Yoshitsune is more skilled at fighting than yoritomo, so at the start of the game make sure you have almost full strength and men before you try attacking anything. Your main objective now, because you are near maximum status, is to deal with your brother and to capture enemy castles. If you take over enemy castles, the enemy troops will have nowhere to recruit more men and all your brother`s men and land is yours if he dies. Your next job is to try and secure the eastern half of the island. To do this, take over all the castles and destroy or recruit all the armies on that side of the island. Now concentrate on the rest of the island. In Edo try to leave a general with the least siege abilities as he probably won`t need to siege castles anymore. Remember one general will do and if the general is at Edo, Nagoya will be easier to storm by boat. If you can send a general from Akita to Matsue via Aikawa you will have a good base from which you attack the western castles. Once you have complete control over the main island then you should be able to wipe out the remaining four castles on the 2 smaller islands. Don`t go for these unless you have a very firm base otherwise you will have to trek all the way back should a range trooper take over the castle.


A great politician and strategist but try to take Edo first because it`s the only castle you won`t have to lay siege to take. If you`re lucky though, you may reach Toyama or Nigata before anyone else. The same rules apply to yoritomo as with yoshitsune: wait until you nearly have a full army before attacking. Be careful if you get into any fights, because you have a low battle skill and a smaller army with a higher skill can easily wipe you out. At the beginning of the game try to avoid taking risks and instead concentrate on improving your skills. if you ever fight your brother and survive long enough, chase him on horseback, because if you slay him things can change dramatically.


Participate in battles as you tend to lose more men if you don`t. Chasing the general on horseback often leads to early victory as you can wipe out armies in one battle instead of at the end of the game, and once you`re confident it`s possible to do it every time: but do not engage in the siege sequence, because losing can be costly. The most important factor in battle is strength and long journeys can weary your troops, so ensure they have plenty of rest before a battle. An army coming by sea will be tired but faster and more flexible, so meet them on the shore and the advantage will be with your men.

Whichever character you've chosen, try to isolate the rest of the island so you`re more able to concentrate on attacking the enemy and won`t have to worry about defensive manoeuvres and precautions: but watch out for the enemy trying to out-flank you. The islands will all be bitterly fought over, so ensure that your troops have confident strength before attacking. The islands are well worth going for though, because they are ideal resting places for a tired force and good generals can interchange their armies from island to mainland without meeting to many problems. The key to early victory is to recruit many more armies than your enemy, thus trapping him in a spiders web and gradually wearing him down (of course he can always try the same tactic on you, so beware). It`s important to have a strong hold on north and south japan, as a rogue force can wreck havoc and open up flanks, causing all sorts of problems. If you`re unsure of your force, avoid battles because he who fights and runs away really does live to fight another day. Ninja assassins may sound appealing, but only resort to them as a last resort and don`t send them too hard a mission because they might turn back and recognise you as the enemy.

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